
Technoid Community, a specialized tech network, was founded as an initiative by Surge Global. We foster discussions and share knowledge across various computing specializations, including software development, project/product management, cybersecurity, DevOps, quality assurance, AI, machine learning, business intelligence, and data engineering.

Open to All

Technoid Community is a truly open platform, welcoming individuals from any company, any age, and any campus. Whether a seasoned professional or an aspiring tech enthusiast, we invite you to engage, learn, and share within our dynamic ecosystem.


In the Technoid Community, we firmly believe in the power of innovation. We foster an environment that encourages out-of-the-box thinking, radical ideas, and creative problem-solving. Here, we not only keep pace with the rapidly evolving tech landscape but also strive to be at the forefront, paving the way for new technologies and ideas that have the potential to revolutionize the world.


Collaboration is at the heart of the Technoid Community. We are a global network of tech enthusiasts, professionals, and experts working synergistically to share insights, experiences, and skills. Our collaborative spirit fuels a dynamic exchange of ideas, bridging gaps, and inspiring each other to reach new heights in our tech journey.


Education is the foundation of the Technoid Community. We are committed to empowering our members with the knowledge and resources they need to thrive in the tech world. Through engaging workshops, insightful discussions, and continuous learning opportunities, we facilitate the exchange of knowledge and foster a community of lifelong learners.

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@Technoid Community 2023. All rights reserved. Powered by Surge Global